Tristen Hoge
Height: 6'5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Momma Jasper Dir. Kate Harbert
Bad Cherub Coach Alastor Dir. Katreeva Phillips
Remedy for a Broken Heart Keith Dir. Djifa Mallet
Panopticon Aiden Dir. Tony Ruggio
Active Shooter Office Tucker Prod. DKJ IInternational
The Holding Office Liston Dir. Isun Ris
Forty-Seven Days Townsperson Prod. Reel Big Productions
Office Overhaul John Dir. Efemena Olawuwo
Active Shooter Detective Tucker
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Studio Class - TBell Actors Studio - Theresa Bell

Acting 101 - FTT - University of Notre Dame

Screenwriting - FTT - University of Notre Dame

Special Skills
Football, Coaching, Weightlifting, Guitar, Wrestling, Boxing, Archery, Firearms, Driving, Singing, Voice Acting, Accents: English (Cockney, Welsh, American Southern, Northeastern), Russian, Scandinavian, Former professional and Division I collegiate football player