Ronald Short
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Leverage Lead Dir. Michael Charron
It's Simple Lead Dir. Amanda Farmer
Javelina Run Supporting Dir. Lisa Belcher
Wind-Ups Supporting Dir. Adam Protextor
Koyspiracy! Lead Dir. Brent Graham
Good Feels On Wheels Lead Dir. Ronald Short
Weekend Plans Lead Dir. Ronald Short
Master Class Supporting Dir. Justin Wright-Neufeld
Friday Night Lights Background Dir. Various
Fox and Bear Lead Dir. Nathan Bayless
MooseStache Various Dir. Mike Vera
BACON Various Dir. Various
The Crucible Supporting Avon Performing Arts Connection
Fiddler on the Roof Chorus Avon Performing Arts Connection
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Bachelors of Science in Film - Indiana State University

Special Skills
Comedic improvisation, Singing (baritone/bass), Directing, Drawing, Writing, Valid Driver's License