JuliAnna Briscoe
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Union: SAG Eligible
Blood Orange Moon Scarlett Film Keyz Productions
Jackalby Jo Travis Patten
Pauses (SAG) Emily Steve Riley
The Sparrow (SAG) Cherry Dixie L. Sedgwick
Footprints (SAG) Lead John Pinder
The Red Room Agent Michael Krist
Land Of the Maniacs Tri-Bred Michael Krist
Gods Special Angel Trixie Bill Williams
CMT Ultimate Kickoff Girl smuggling booze in baby CMT
American Diner Revival Reupholstering Food Network
Between Heaven and Earth Demon John Pinder
Blair Mountain Emily Hawkins Core Theatre
It's a Wonderful Life Mary Jeff Fenter
Murder Mystery Co. Improv Troupe O.T. Mitchell
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Class: The Extra Mile - Glenn Moreshower - Film and TV

Class: Del Shores Workshops - Del Shores - Film and TV

Class: TBell Film and TV - Theresa Bell - Film and TV

Class: Advanced Improv - Kathy Lingo - UTDallas - Improv 4 years

Special Skills
Argentine Tango, Rock Climbing, Running, Science, Horseback Riding (Side Saddle, Bareback), Painting (Oil, Acrylic, Water-Color), Script Writing, Poetry, Psychology, Pilates, Silly Ass Voices, Being Silly as Hell, ABA Therapy