Heidi Yoder
Height: 5'5"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Home (short) Prostitute Frank Sana/Fusion Bible Church
The Pact Friend Susan Hamilton
Slumber (short) Roxy Tyler Slawson
The Leftovers Restaurant Patron Peter Berg/HBO
The Wizard of Oz Winkie Rockwall Community Playhouse
The Drowsy Chaperone Ensemble Sherman Community Players
It's A Wonderful Life Potter's Secretary/Townsperson Sherman Community Players
The Sound of Music Elsa Sherman Community Players
Anne of Green Gables Mrs. Barry Theatricks Children's Theater
The King and I Angel Sherman Community Players
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

TBell Actors Studio (Advanced) - Teresa Bell - Dallas, TX

TBell Actors Studio (Beginner) - Teresa Bell - Dallas, TX

Special Skills
Dance Performance Ballet: Snow White/Dennison Dance Academy, Dance Performance Contemporary: The Awakening/Dennison Dance Academy, Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Ballroom