Danyel Pires
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Phoebe Mobes Halfway Lead Rebekah Baez
RAW Lead Danyel Pires
Out of Body Lead Angel Rodriguez
Pop! Supporting Dallas Film Alliance
Valentine's P.2 Supporting Jyra Films
Imitated Reality Supporting James Brock
Eurydice Lead Jacque Collom
The Tempest Lead Jacque Collom
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Script Analysis - TETA

Acting on Film - TETA

On-Camera Technique - TETA

Character Development Through Movement - TETA

Class Observation Theresa Bell - TBell Studio

Special Skills
Barista, Yoga, Cheerleading, Basic Tumbling, Singing (Tenor, Baritone), Teleprompter, Astrology, Accents: Spanish
English, Spanish