Camila Fonseca
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Union: Non-Union
Grit Erica Carpe Diem Creative
People (That Should Be Shot) Emily The Garland Civic Theatre
Bye Bye Birdie Penelope Company of Rowlett Performers
Improv Show Fall 2018 Actress University of Texas at Dallas
Improv Show Spring 2019 Actress University of Texas at Dallas
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Acting I, II, & III - Andy Long- University of Texas Dallas

Introduction to Theatre - Gregory Lush - University of Texas Dallas

Improvisation I, II, & III - Kathy Lingo - University of Texas Dallas

The Stanislavsky Technique - Fred Curchack - University of Texas Dallas

Tech Theatre - Christopher Trevino - University of Texas Dallas

Acting for Film and Video - Fred Curchack - University of Texas Dallas

Voice for the Actor - Christine Sanders - University of Texas Dallas

Dance in Musical Theatre - Shelby Hibbs - University of Texas Dallas

Latin Dance - Misty Owens - University of Texas Dallas

Directing - Shelby Hibbs - University of Texas Dallas

Improv Independent Study - Kathy Lingo - University of Texas Dalla

Acting for Camera - Eden Malyn - Coach

Acting - Theresa Bell - TBell Actors Studio

Latin Fusion Dance - Carlos Hernandez - BCC & Company

Special Skills
Latin Dance, Swimming, Running, Yoga, Hip Hop Dance
English, Spanish